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How to take good pictures with your phone?

Photography is the art of capturing moments. It is also the science of creating images. There are so many areas, including the professional photography. I’m not an expert of the subject. So here, I talk about how to take nice photos, not just for posting on your social media but generally for your photo album. The most important thing in the photography is the lighting or the illumination. Sometimes you might look the best version of you. But if the lighting is poor or there are shadows over you, then there is no way to you look good in the picture. So it I essential to choose the best lighting. You can add flash or night effects at evening. But try to take photographs with day light. The best hour is the golden hour. When the sun sets, there is a soft light; which comes from the clouds. It make the picture really look gold. The direction of the light also plays a major role. Side lighting, which comes from the left or right of the object, is better for pleasant because it creates de

Signs of attraction. Non-verbal signals that someone is attracted to you.

Getting attracted to someone is an entertaining topic that is romantic as well. The interesting behind here is; we can express whether we like somebody without verbal messages but only by our body language.

The first sign is blushing or flushing by getting pink cheeks. It happens when the blood flows into the skin and makes the cheeks look pink. As this is a physiological process, it depends on the structure of the face and skin. Some people naturally blush more obviously than others. When a person is flushing at you than his natural look, it might be he is shy around you or gets attracted to you.

Having an open body is another sign. When people feel insecure around you, they sit with their arms or feet crossed or create a physical barrier with a glass of drinking or something else in the front. But when someone feels security, he opens up his body to have no barriers between you and him. That means they are getting attracted to you. 

Leaning forward means physically bringing himself closer to you. Once somebody gets interested in the conversation or the attraction increases, the person goes to open up his body and leans forward or comes closer to you.

While in the conversation, pay attention to where others’ feet are pointing. It is something done subconsciously, but interesting to observe how feet tell a lot more about the person than what his body or mouth is telling. Our feet are in a way that either takes us to where we want to reach or away from where we are not willing to be. In a conversation, if you notice that another’s feet are pointing toward you, it means they are attracted to you. When someone is seated closer to you and their body leaning towards you, but their feet are pointing in the opposite you have to understand whether they want to leave the conversation.

In business etiquette, to establish trust or rapport with someone, you have to make a certain level of eye contact. But when someone is gazing into your eyes in a social setting, it means that they are attracted to you. Sometimes the person can’t control the process and may feel that he can’t take his eyes off you. It means he is looking at you and trying to absorb the whole picture without missing any detail of your appearance or general look. It is crucial where eyes look because it tells how they are attracted. If they look at your eyes, nose, and above, it indicates they are interested in what you are saying. But when the gaze goes below your lips, chin, neck, and chest, it means they are romantically attracted. 

Dilated pupils mean when hearts come out of eyes with a smiley face. It happens because the body releases hormones like oxytocin and dopamine, and they dilate pupils and look like being in love with someone that can get enough of looking at them. In romantic restaurants, they light up a candle and place it between the two people for helping to dilate pupils.

When somebody is attracted to you, they try to give you a light and unintentional touch at any chance get first. It might be touching your hand, your elbow, or your arm. It is a habit for some people when they talk to someone to give a touch to the person to get attention. But it is very different the feel that internally this is something that comes out of habit or something that gets to be closer to you. The higher the touch on your arm is more intermit. That is why the handshake is the universal formal method of greeting, only touching the hand. Once the touch goes above the elbows, upper arm, and shoulders, it becomes more intermit and romantic. 

Smiling in a very genuine way is another sign. When the person smiling not only has the mussels around the mouth contracted such that you get to see their teeth but also that they have the wrinkles around their eyes, it is a genuine one. Remember how you can’t stop your smile when you think of someone who is in your heart? It’s a genuine smile. 

When someone tries to make you laugh or laugh at your jokes, it intermits and means he’s attracted to you and wants you to feel good around him. Why laughing is a sign of attraction is because when laughing with people, we create good memories and emotions.

Mirroring means repeating or reflecting someone’s body language, posture, or tone of voice. That is usually done in a business context when people want to establish good relationships. But in a social setting, you should know it indicates that they are attracted to you. 

It doesn’t mean that all these signs will be obvious, but if you notice some, you might get a clue that the person is attracted to you. And similar, you can show some of them which indicate that you are attracted to him.

All images are copied from the internet.(

- by Sashini Kamesha


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