
How to take good pictures with your phone?

Photography is the art of capturing moments. It is also the science of creating images. There are so many areas, including the professional photography. I’m not an expert of the subject. So here, I talk about how to take nice photos, not just for posting on your social media but generally for your photo album.

The most important thing in the photography is the lighting or the illumination. Sometimes you might look the best version of you. But if the lighting is poor or there are shadows over you, then there is no way to you look good in the picture. So it I essential to choose the best lighting. You can add flash or night effects at evening. But try to take photographs with day light. The best hour is the golden hour. When the sun sets, there is a soft light; which comes from the clouds. It make the picture really look gold. The direction of the light also plays a major role. Side lighting, which comes from the left or right of the object, is better for pleasant because it creates delicate modeling of facial features.

The person in front of the camera moves slow motion and do micro changes in his body and facial expressions. Because of that, take a lot of pictures from all different kinds of angles. It may not be the 99th, but the 100th may be rally on the spot. After taking a bulk of images, you must curate and eliminate. By the word curate, I mean to go to pictures one-by-one and eliminate some. You can ignore them again and again until you get the top two or three; that you really love. But don’t rush to delete everything at once, do it in three or four steps.

To edit the photographs, you can use an app. There are so many options including; flipping, making it more symmetric, and more. But exposure and contrast plays an important role. And also you can work on the light. Sharping or making clarity bring more focus on the item in the picture. If you take good pictures, then there is little work to add. So try to capture the best. Another thing with your photos is not to overuse filters. Filters are like trends. They come and go. Once the trend is goes away, the pictures look outdated. So try to minimize them. When you face a doubt, the option is the black and white because it never goes out of fashion.

There is a famous saying; practice makes perfect. Train your eyes to see the beauty, symmetries, frames, shapes, lines, and colors of the things. Some of the best ways to train are look at some best photographs taken by professional photographers and watch movies. More you look at, more your eyes can capture the moments around you. Practice as much you can. It will help you to capture the lovely moments of your life create memories.

All images are copied from the internet.(https://www.vecteezy.com  and https://www.pexels.com)

- by Sashini Kamesha


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