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How to take good pictures with your phone?

Photography is the art of capturing moments. It is also the science of creating images. There are so many areas, including the professional photography. I’m not an expert of the subject. So here, I talk about how to take nice photos, not just for posting on your social media but generally for your photo album. The most important thing in the photography is the lighting or the illumination. Sometimes you might look the best version of you. But if the lighting is poor or there are shadows over you, then there is no way to you look good in the picture. So it I essential to choose the best lighting. You can add flash or night effects at evening. But try to take photographs with day light. The best hour is the golden hour. When the sun sets, there is a soft light; which comes from the clouds. It make the picture really look gold. The direction of the light also plays a major role. Side lighting, which comes from the left or right of the object, is better for pleasant because it creates de

If you feel that you want some change in life…

We all love to change or transform our lives in a better way. Sometimes we feel that our lives are repetitive and need to restart them. I believe that if we want some change, then we are the ones who must do that. All others can only help us. So this article highlights the things you can do to upgrade your life.

1.    Learn something new.

Sometimes you reading this may be a full-time or part-time student. But here, it is not learning for an exam or following a degree or some formal education. Learning is a process that never ends until we die. We can learn something that is out of our path or carrier. We can develop some skills or practice an instrument or a sport. They are the best ways to give some change to our minds as well as to our lives.

2.     Read a book. 

Reading at least one page of a book each day can improve you in a way you never think. It is better if you love to read self-help books because there are so many things to think about on one page. If you are already interested in reading, then you can develop it. You can track what you read. There are apps to help you. It will be better to arrange a reading corner at home and maintain a self-library. Although it isn't so, you also can read something early in the morning or before bed.

3.    Do exercises.

Exercises help us for an active life cycle. If we are busy bees, the skill of multitasking develops automatically. Sometimes you may think the sportsperson or ones who got medical advice are the ones who need exercise. But it isn’t the thing. Everyone needs some workouts for an active, healthy, and balanced life.

4.    Write a journal.

One of the best friends that you can share your life and feeling is through a journal. It is a better way to find ourselves and practice self-love. Also, it will be a good memory for your life when you look back on your journey one day.

5.    Make time to think.

Do we need time to think? That is the best time that you can review your life. We need time to think leisurely and evaluate our plans, dreams, and targets. I think the time before your bed is the ideal time for this.

6.    Make you a priority.

·        Solo date - A solo date is simply a form of self-care. Just this time, you are on your own. You can go somewhere, shopping, dining at a restaurant, but alone. It is a skill if you can manage yourself alone with your personality. I have written a separate article about solo-date. You can find out more about it.

·        Self-affirmation – It is a part of self-love that you value yourself. If everyone takes against you, but you still believe that you can do it, then no one can stop your journey to success.

·        Do whatever you love – Most people hide their interests and live the usual life cycle. What if you do the things that you love? You can do the fashions you love, eat what you like, try a hobby you are interested in, or travel where you want. Why are you hiding your interests and worrying?

·        Treat yourselfIt is precious to take care of yourself. Gift something to you. Buy things that you love to gift from someone. If it is even a tiny achievement, give credit to yourself. Be proud of yourself.

These are not the only things you can do to transform your life. There are other things. But if you are long overdue for a catch-up with your mind, body, and soul, you can try some of them and feel the difference. 

All images are copied from the internet.(

- by Sashini Kamesha




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