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How to take good pictures with your phone?

Photography is the art of capturing moments. It is also the science of creating images. There are so many areas, including the professional photography. I’m not an expert of the subject. So here, I talk about how to take nice photos, not just for posting on your social media but generally for your photo album. The most important thing in the photography is the lighting or the illumination. Sometimes you might look the best version of you. But if the lighting is poor or there are shadows over you, then there is no way to you look good in the picture. So it I essential to choose the best lighting. You can add flash or night effects at evening. But try to take photographs with day light. The best hour is the golden hour. When the sun sets, there is a soft light; which comes from the clouds. It make the picture really look gold. The direction of the light also plays a major role. Side lighting, which comes from the left or right of the object, is better for pleasant because it creates de

How to become an expert through practice?

It is essential to spend more time developing your skill to become an expert in the field where your passion is. But only practice is not enough. It must be better in a more focused, strategic, and structured way. There is a tiny tip that many experts follow. They do most hard work early in the day before any distraction kick in, and their willpower dwindles. They engage in the concentrated practice for only two or five hours and take naps to rejuvenate after intensive work.

You may have seen the well-known Mark Zuckerberg wearing the same type of ash color t-shirt every day. Some may think that it is his simplicity. But it’s not the only reason. If he has so many clothes in his wardrobe, he may spend more time deciding what to wear. According to him, it is a misuse of his energy and willpower. So he has decided to save his energy; without spending them on useless decisions.

There are some steps on the way to becoming successful. First of all, you have to identify your purpose. Then create a mental representation of excellence and develop your step-by-step strategy. After that, you want to practice with precision and push. Finally, measure your progress. There is a famous method of focusing on goals called SMART. It emphasizes that your goal should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bounded. Self-motivation is the other thing that plays an important role here.

There are two kinds of self-motivation; which are namely conscientiousness and grit. Conscientiousness defines having both the ability (can do) and willingness (will do) to fulfill the responsibilities. Conscientious people are achievement and goal-oriented, reliable, self-motivated, hardworking, self-disciplined, planned, organized, and have a strong sense of duty. They are more likely to eat healthy, exercise, wear seatbelts, take meditation and engage in safe hobbies. But who are high in conscientiousness were also more likely to experience greater dissatisfaction when unemployed. To increase your conscientiousness, you can remind yourself of the goal daily and manage the context by habits. Grit is the passion and preservation of a long-term target. It is not related positively to the IQ of a person but conscientiousness. Gritty people are more likely to apply their focus to a single long-term target when conscientious people fulfill every day to a high standard in their lives. To get rejected by someone to do something fuels the determination of gritty people. But being overly gritty carries some risks. To increase, you can list up to twenty-five of your life goals and then circle five that are the highest priority. Look at don’t circle and don’t pay much attention to those. Finally, make a plan for achieving the top five goals.

Success is a journey, not a destination. Regardless of where you start your life, your beliefs will significantly influence where you end up.

All images are copied from the internet.(

- by Sashini Kamesha


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