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How to take good pictures with your phone?

Photography is the art of capturing moments. It is also the science of creating images. There are so many areas, including the professional photography. I’m not an expert of the subject. So here, I talk about how to take nice photos, not just for posting on your social media but generally for your photo album. The most important thing in the photography is the lighting or the illumination. Sometimes you might look the best version of you. But if the lighting is poor or there are shadows over you, then there is no way to you look good in the picture. So it I essential to choose the best lighting. You can add flash or night effects at evening. But try to take photographs with day light. The best hour is the golden hour. When the sun sets, there is a soft light; which comes from the clouds. It make the picture really look gold. The direction of the light also plays a major role. Side lighting, which comes from the left or right of the object, is better for pleasant because it creates de

Do you maintain the elegancy on social media?

Social media etiquette is a very relevant topic that gives the circumstances we live in today. It talks about the global trends that are happening right now in the world.

The golden rule for social media etiquette is, if you would not dare to say in person, then do not say it online. Many people in today’s world protect themselves behind their screens or remain anonymous. The person who is reading your comment is also a person with feelings. Your words can be hurtful and have a mental effect on them. When you are writing something online, there is no way of taking it back. When you do not have a nice thing to say, be silent.

The next comes along with the idea that online never forget. It means that once you post something, even for milliseconds, it is available to the world. Then, anyone can take a screenshot. You can never delete them. There are several cases of people getting fired due to social media posts. Sometimes they posted them 10 or 15 years ago. But it is valuable to have the idea that people grow and learn new things. Today their opinion is not the one they had earlier. So forget the past. But keep in mind that others may not do so.

When you take a group picture, you like to show the picture to others. It is okay to post the picture because you are in it. But tagging gives other people information, name, and link to their page. So you have to be very careful. Unless got the permission, do not tag others.

It's not good that disclose the location or private information through social media in real time. You have to wait to share the pictures only about leaving the venue. It matters for both; privacy and safety because anything can be traced and tracked in your location.

It is a good practice to give credit where it is due. That is not only applicable to your essay and papers but also online. So, always be polite to give the copyrights for the quotes and pictures of others. 

Spelling and grammar also play a huge role. It is better to double-check before hitting send. There is the unsend message option which is very useful. But sometimes, you never know that the person has already read the message. You never get a second chance to make the first impression. When you interact with someone for the first time, spend reasonable time on spelling and grammar.

How to accept, follow or unfollow others on social media? The usual practice is to follow back or send a request because just someone has followed you. But you can follow when you're interested in the person and want to update. And also, do not accept a request unless you want that person to access your daily life. 

When coming to voice notes, it would be better to ask for permission before sending voice notes and never start your conversation with a voice note. First, introduce yourself, and then you can send voice notes. But always try to keep professional voice notes short. You can send very long voice notes to your close ones.

Of course, we should take care of our security and privacy more than being elegant on social media. It is because in this advanced world, our one careless second can destroy all the precious things we have already acquired.

All images are copied from the internet.(

- by Sashini Kamesha


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